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Wine & Wellness Movement Class - 2/15

1867 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362

Join us for our third Wine & Wellness class on Saturday, February 15 from 11 AM - 12 PM with Movement Specialist, Gary Stockdale. 

Gary is a good friend of West Tasting Room, Kinesiologist, and Movement Specialist who devotes his practice to changing the relationship that people have with their bodies. In this class, we'll be focusing on dynamic full body flexibility, joint mobility, self massage, breathing dynamics and more. All a great way to begin getting your body in harmony!

Class price is $35 and includes a one-hour class and your choice of any glass of wine at 12 PM when class concludes. 

Registration required. Limited availability. Only 12 spots available.

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